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This is a bug, though. You shouldn't have to reset toolbar customizations to get the new UI. I'm not sure how or where to start looking to fix it.


Just to confirm, SM does run fine on 2 separate machines. I had to change the host names to get them to both appear within the app, however I tend to revert back to VNC so doesn't affect me.

Very pleased with the near seamless experience so far.


justin Whitaker replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip woes' in the forum. 31 minutes ago

Thanks for the suggestions all. I don't think it's a balance issue as it happens regardless of the OTA mounted.

I have now upgraded to latest Stellarmate version and this seems to have ironed out the issue in any case.


Aaron H replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip woes' in the forum. 1 hour 16 minutes ago

On Ubuntu 22.04 it's even easier. Just add Jasem's PPA and do an "apt install". It all just works.

The PPA features ARM builds, and they've worked seamlessly on my RPi4 for a few years now. I don't seem to be missing anything by running Ubuntu rather than Raspberry Pi OS, and it behaves just like any Ubuntu system.


I hadnt realised that my toolbar was customised. I reset it and the Views are now showing.




You really saved my life! Thanks you so much for providing this idea - and script.

I am using a Pentax K3 DSLR which will not allow for longer exposures than 30s via USB connection. Using the snap port to trigger the camera works perfectly.

hint for others:
using indi_getprop will list you all indi properties, so you can find your mount and the correct namespace for the snap port.

clear skies!


I saw initial release of sky map in version 0.0.130! Denis, that is really great stuff!
Thank you very much for all your time and effort you are putting into astra_lite!
I saw that sky map has option to enter longitude and latitude. When I enter coordinates application hangs.

I have GPS dongle connected to my Raspberry PI running indiserver. Would it be possible to astra_lite get GPS coordinates from indi_gpsd driver automatically?


Gord Tulloch replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip woes' in the forum. 14 hours 55 minutes ago

The cool thing about computers is if you start something running and go to bed it'll be done when you wake up :)

I'd encourage you to get Stellarmate X and support Jasem, I have both RPi and X licenses and X is far and away more useful than the RPi version, just because I can compile things like Siril on X, and hardware like my Pegasus Bluetooth EQMOD box actually work!


Val Chevalier replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip woes' in the forum. 15 hours 50 minutes ago

mmm I got your point about having one person maintaining the repository and being stopped if he quits, but this way to do is for people who wants to compile themself the software and the drivers, and they usually know already how to do that. Don't forget the people who does not want to get bored with compiling etc. And doing this way, you'll have to compile it again every times there will be any update. By the way, I have already compiled on Pi4 8Gb and it took 4 hours, you can understand that might be intimidating for people without skills in computer stuffs.

Astroberry and now AstroArch is meant for people who does just want to get their Pi easily ready for imaging.

Stellarmate is a really really good option too, with all updates and the support from Jasem, but it's not free, even if it's really cheap regarding the work. I have a license for this but I don't use anymore as I switched for a amd computer with Ubuntu ppa, I did this to get a faster os and software, but it's because I know how to set all things up for that (creating a wifi hotspot, having remote control, etc). Some people don't want to play with that and just want an easy way to get the Pi working.

best regards



Gord Tulloch replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip woes' in the forum. 17 hours 58 minutes ago

Considering AstroArch has one maintainer as well, it would seem to be a better idea to use Stellarmate, vanilla Raspian or Ubuntu and just use Nou's scripts to compile the latest versions of everything from scratch:


Hello Salman,
Yes, they were. However, taping either the Park or Goto icon (I don't remember for sure about Search) did nothing.
As I wrote in my post, there was a PI update before, and there were a lot in the following days.
The following time I used it, a couple of days after, the commands did work fine again.
I did just mention this and, of course, did not open a ticket because all worked then.
But the fact is, that at the time it happened, the commands from within the SM APP did not work, but all workd fine using RealVNC.


After the update, open the INDI control panel and under "Motion Control" you should see "Guide Rate" settings for N/S and E/W at the very bottom of the tab. If these settings aren't visible then the latest version was not installed. The default rate is currently set to 0.1x, which apparently matches the default guide rate of the ST-4 interface but it might make sense to change the default to 0.5x in the future. In any case, you can change the default settings and just for testing I would recommend 0.5x or higher plus a relatively long dither pulse (set in the EKOS Guide module options) to see visible movement in the images.You'll need to experiment to find the best settings for your particular equipment and imaging use case.


I recently purchased and set up stellarmate on my RPi4 and my optical trains are Canon 5D MarkIV and Orion SSAG Pro as guider. I took some guide camera shots and they came fully exposed as a white image even when the cap is closed. Wondering if this camera is supported and if there are any tweaks to make it work.


This could also be due to the file system of the NVMe drive.
Maybe you need to format it for File system ext4?

If you are having Drive mount issues, you can also automount your external storage.


Yes update_indi_core should be enough